Gyermekjogi Civil Koalíció


"There are no children, there are people."
(Janusz Korczak)

Who we are?

The Hungarian Child Rights Coalition was founded on the initiative of the UNICEF National Committee for Hungary in 2015. The aim of the professional forum is to promote communication and active cooperation between non-governmental organizations and experts working on child protection and child rights advocacy. As of March 2025, our Coalition has 72 members of NGOs and individual experts (moreover 9 institutions, organizations in observer status).

What we do?

Children’s rights opinions, statements

We actively participate in the children’s rights dialogue, so we regularly react with statements, opinions on behalf of our members to various issues related child protection and children’s rights.

Involvement in international monitoring of children’s rights

As Hungary is a State Party of the widest ratified international human rights treaty in the world, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) since 1990, one of our main aims is to actively take part in the dialogue with the various UN treaty bodies.

We have submitted alternative reports to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and to the UN Human Rights Council in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Gyermekjogi civil koalíció
Child rights statements, opinions
Gyermekjogi civil koalíció
International child rights monitoring
Gyermekjogi civil koalíció
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