Petition of the NGO child rights coalition for the rights of the child for the protection of children against sexual exploitation
The NGO Child Rights Coalition is initiating a collection of signatures to urge all-government action that will result in real and effective protection for all children from falling victim to sexual violence and preventing re-victimization, as well as effective protection for children who have already experienced violence. All this is conceivable only in a professionally sound manner, based on research and after expert consultations.
Sexual violence and exploitation, which is often accompanied by physical and always accompanied by emotional violence, is one of the most serious forms of abuse a child can suffer. In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Hungarian law, all persons under the age of 18 are considered children and are thus entitled to special protection and care.
In recent months, more news and analysis has been published about child sexual abuse, especially the crime of child pornography and child prostitution, than ever before. These have confirmed what the child protection profession has long said: the vulnerability of victims, the lack of a safety net around them is worrying and contributes greatly to the internet becoming one of the main hunting grounds for sexual predators
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