Statement on "pedophile-law" / sexual education of children
15 organizations and 15 experts of the Child Rights NGO Coalition published a statement on No. T/16365. law amendment of the bill on stricter action against pedophile offenders and amending certain laws to protect children
We recalled that the Child Rights NGO Coalition has already expressed its opinion on the bill, welcoming it in addition to urging a number of measures, as well as drawing attention to the erroneous and misleading wording of the title of the legislation. The government ‘s intention announced last year can now be seen in the form of a bill, which is an important step in raising the profile of children’ s protection, vulnerability, victimization and substantive steps in political, professional and public discourse, and in various activities.
In prevention of all forms of abuse, including sexual abuse, information and children’s awareness play an important role, and in our diverse world, it is important to receive all the knowledge and information about the functioning of one’s own body and soul in one’s diverse world. Education of high quality and appropriate methodology, among others on sexual and reproductive health, is of paramount importance in prevention.
The Child Rights NGO Coalition based on his concerns requested the President of the Republic not to sign the amendment to the law adopted by the Parliament in this form, which raises constitutional and/or international human rights concerns, but to send it to the Constitutional Court to review the bill.
The Coalition also turned to the ombudsman requesting him to send the bill to the Constitutional Court for review.